Thursday, October 28, 2010

Denmark takes a stand against glysophates

Denmark Bans Glyphosates, The Active Ingredient In Roundup

Author: Anders Legarth Schmidt
Politiken . (Source)

Denmark has imposed widespread bans on the spraying of glyphosate in response to research showing that the sprays have been contaminating the countrys groundwater.


Denmark has imposed a ban on the spraying of glyphosates today following the release of data which found that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide (RR) has been contaminating the drinking water resources of the country.

The chemical has, against all expectations sieving down through the soil and polluting the ground water at a rate of five times more than the allowed level for drinking water, according to tests done by the Denmark and Greenland Geological Research Institution (DGGRI) as reported below.

"When we spray glyphosate on the fields by the rules it has been shown that it is washed down into the upper ground water with a concentration of 0.54 micrograms per litre. This is very surprising, because we had previously believed that bacteria in the soil broke down the glyphosate before it reached the ground water," says DGGRI.

Danish environment minister Hans Christian Schmidt has announced unprecedented restrictions on glyphosate, the country's and Europe's most widely used herbicide. The action follows publication of data showing the chemical's presence in groundwater, from which Denmark obtains most of its drinking water. Although concentrations in drinking water did not exceed permissible limits, it was 'worrying' that unacceptable quantities of glyphosate and its breakdown product AMPA might build up via drainage in the uppermost levels of groundwater, Mr Schmidt said. Danes should be able to put the coffee on in the morning without worrying about pesticides, he added.

From 15 September, autumn spraying of glyphosates will be banned on sites where leaching is extensive because of heavy rain. There are a number of exceptions to the new restrictions, which are subject to revision after an interim consultation period. In a joint response, Cheminova, Syngenta and Monsanto, which manufacture or sell glyphosate in Denmark, condemned the government's move as 'unacceptable' for the producers or Danish farmers. Glyphosate could only be identified as a threat by ignoring 'scientific findings and knowledge, they said.According to the firms, the restrictions appeared to be based on finding of glyphosate at one metre's depth in the soil. This can hardly - and only with the most narrow political intentions - be regarded as groundwater, and certainly not as drinking water, they complained.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Info and link to roses global climate action event for 350ppm


Hello Friends and family,

You may or may not have known that I had hosted one of the 7,000 events for a global climate action on the 10/10/10 to raise awareness of the seriousness of future climate changes that will affect our lives on such a huge scale in coming years.


Here is the link to my rained out event.  I had hoped for big numbers but was thankful and surprised with the 50 or so who came.

Xxxxx  Link to Utube below, hope you have sound it is quite magical, Bob Dillon had it pegged 40 years ago.


50 or so 350ppm warriors battle seasonally abnormal weather in Byron Bay, Australia to make a statement.

In torrential rain at high tide on the most easterly point of Australia and on one of its most famous beaches a front moved in at the precise time, 10am on the 10th of the 10th when the action was due to take place.

A dedicated group of concerned citizens braving the conditions to show their support for climate action wanted to give a clear message to our policy makers that change is required now and FAST.  Many stayed away, surprisingly many still came.  The Bay attracts 1.7M tourists yearly who come to frolic in the sun and sand but the changing weather patterns has shown that climate change is happening RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.



Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rose invites you to be part of a global climate action




A global climate action movement on the 10/10/10

On Main Beach in Byron Bay at 10 am for one hour


On that day 5479 other events in 183 countries will be happening around the world as part of the movement.


Be part of a historical photograph,

Bring a colorful umbrella, sarong or cover your surf board

to make a 350 sign on the beach at 10am on the 10/10/10


(350ppm is the number of "parts per million" of co2 in the atmosphere humanity needs to get below to avoid the worst effects of climate change)


If you have been paralyzed by the sheer size and horror of global warming, now is the time to start moving forward FAST





Circle that date - 10 am on the -  10/10/10


For more information call Rose on 0427 016451



This article was published in the Echo on the 21st September.  It has been paid for by my agency, Red Rose Realty in an attempt to give something back to the community that supports me and the planet that my grand children and I treasure so much.



Rose Wanchap


Red Rose Realty

P.O Box 466,

Byron Bay  NSW  2481

Ph: 02 6680 9505

Mob: 0427 016 451