Wednesday June 10th, 2009
Attn Jan Barham and all Byron Shire Councilors
Asking for moratorium
We as concerned Byron Shire residents are asking for a moratorium on the planned spraying of coastal areas in the Byron Shire with glyphosate based herbicides that are scheduled to begin Thursday June 11th 2009.
Recent independent research regarding glyphosate
The spraying for 2009 was approved by Council in December 2008. Since then, several important studies have been published:
- In April 2009, an independent study in Argentina by embryology professor Andres Carrasco, shows that exposure to glyphosate could cause brain, intestinal and heart defects in fetuses. In a district with a population of 5,000, about 300 cases of cancer associated with fumigations of pesticides have turned up.[i] Implications so serious that in May 2009, a national ban on glyphosates is being considered.[ii]
- In January 2009, an independent French study was published that shows glyphosate based herbicides cause damage in human cells within a few hours. The researchers studied toxicity mechanisms of four different glyphosate formulations on human cells. They also noted membrane and DNA damage, and found that the formulations inhibit cell respiration. This even at minimal doses [up to 100,000 times or more], at dilution levels far below agricultural recommendations.[iii]
This decision to spray needs to be reviewed to get a more current assessment of the health implications of glyphosate sprayings. Also, a more independent assessment needs to be done, as the Councils website FAQ’s regarding health concerns only mentions the manufacturer’s studies, which are more likely to be biased.
Glyphosate-containing products are NOT biodegradable
Contrary to what is stated on the Byron Shire Council website, everal courts have found that glyphosate-containing products are NOT biodegradable. To present it as such, and claim it leaves the soil clean, has been found to be misleading the public about the environmental impacts of glyphosate.
- The New York State Attorney General, after 5 years of complaints, filed a lawsuit against Monsanto arguing that the company’s advertising inaccurately portrayed their glyphosate-containing products as safe and as not causing any harmful effects to people or the environment. In 1997, as part of an out-of-court settlement, Monsanto agreed to discontinue use of terms such as “biodegradable” and “environmentally friendly” in all advertising of glyphosate-containing products.[iv]
- In 2007, Monsanto was fined in a French court for misleading the public about the environmental impact of Roundup (RR). They were found guilty of false advertising for presenting Roundup as biodegradable and claiming that it left the soil clean after use. Environmental and consumer rights campaigners brought the case in 2001.[v]
In the European Union glyphosate is classed as “dangerous for the environment” and “toxic for aquatic organisms”.[vi] Some countries have even imposed a ban on the spraying of glyphosates, other countries are considering a ban.
- As of 15 September 2003, following the release of data which found that glyphosate has been contaminating the drinking water resources of the country Denmark imposed a ban on the spraying of glyphosates.[vii]
- Glyphosate have been found in surface water in the Netherlands, in wells sited under electrical substations that had been treated with glyphosate, in US wells and in forest streams in Oregon and Washington just to mention a few.[viii]
Beyond studies and definitions
We need to listen to our Byron Shire residents who are experiencing adverse health reactions to glyphosate. There are short-term and long-term effects to these sprayings. Further up the coast, around Kingscliff and Pottsville, they are now, after several years of coastal sprayings, starting to see many chronic health related problems among their residents, that very likely are connected to the glyphosate sprayings there.
NSW pesticides act of 1999 states that all pesticide users in NSW are required to ensure that they “not risk injury to persons, property and non-target plants and animals through the use of a pesticide”.[ix]
These toxic sprayings in Byron Shire need to stop
Are you willing to jeopardize our residents & tourist’s health by going ahead and spraying in order to try to control a certain weed?
As it is everybody’s right to know about the toxic sprayings, we have launched a campaign on the ground & online:
• on Saturday May 23 a march and a community debate at the Byron Bay community centre was arranged
• handing out flyers warning residents & tourists of Byron Bay of the toxic sprayings
• informing online via twitter, blogs & videos about the toxic sprayings
• going door-to-door to inform residents and give Pesticide Spray Drift Kits with Incident Reporting forms by the National Toxics Network [x], to fill out, recording symptoms they experience from the sprayings, and for up to 6 months after
• collecting information/testimonials from Byron Shire residents who have already had symptoms from previous sprayings
• collecting information nationally from residents and doctors where glyphosate sprayings have caused health problems
• intend to inform the International Court of Injustice in The Hague of these sprayings, and seek other global Human Rights avenues to stop the poisoning of ourselves and the environment
We ask for a moratorium, to therby give the Byron Shire Council the opportunity to inform themselves of the most recent independent research. This extra time would also give all the residents of the Byron Shire time to inform themselves, and express their will.
This would give time to plan and implement an alternative way of weed control. There are succesful non-chemical management programs of Bitou Bush such as the one by Ellen White in the NSW Dirriwong Reserve.
This is an opportunity for Byron Shire to set an example for the rest of Australia, by being the first Shire to stop the use of glyphosate based products. Lets take this opportunity while we can.
From Concerned Residents of the Byron Shire
Sincerely, Asa Mark
Asa Mark is in the process of making a documentary on the subject of pesticides and thus has done extensive research on this subject, some of which is part of this letter, and more that i would be very happy to further share with the Council.
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