Monday, October 5, 2009

Council meeting re Bitou Abatement this Thursday


Hello all,


Below is an email from Hilary Bain who has picked up the ball after I have been unable to carry on.   I so appreciate her help, she is doing a fantastic job to protect us all from this possible scourge.

Re The BITOU ABATEMENT PROGRAMME being discussed at the next council meeting 8th October, 09 at council chambers, Mullumbimby.


You can see the report in its entirety on the councils web site on the Agenda P160  Item 11.27.  Cr.Richard Staples thinks it is good and is going to recommend the council accept the two areas designated for our group to begin a chemical free programme. 



Notice of meeting and request for help from Hilary


This Thursday, October 8th, council will be voting on the report about the 12 month stay on the aerial sprayings in South Golden Beach. The report is suggesting that we form an alternative chemical-free dune care group. Write to your councilors and voice your opinion in support of the new group, and if you can show up at the council meeting. please do. We need to let the council know that we are for a non-chemical approach. We also need a name for the new group, so please email me your suggestions.


If we get a positive vote for the group, we will arrange a free, hands on workshop in manual bitou removal with Ellen White, who has produced amazing results with her work at the Dirawong reserve in Evans head. Then we'll get to work on site.


Hilary Bain


If you want to voice your opinion at the council meeting, public access is between 9.00am-10.30am before the ordinary meeting. You need to contact the general manager Graeme Faulkner no later than 12 noon on Wednesday to request public access.



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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Halting Bitou Bush Herbicide Aerial spraying


Hello Bitou Blitzers

and “bitou bush” hand weeding volunteers


Our next step in keeping poisonous

Herbicides from being used on our dunes

and coastal areas:


Council will be discussing the viability of hand harvesting at a council meeting in early October:




Come to our meeting to be held at

the Community Centre “upstairs”

Next Monday, 14th Sept, 6pm








Agenda for the Meeting


Council have asked Scott Hetherington, Team Leader, Natural Resources,   to put forward his recommendations for the Bitou Abatement Plan at a council meeting in early October.


We need to have presented Scott with our alternative hand weeding program before that date so that all of the good work we have achieved does not get overturned.


1. Formulate a viable plan for our volunteers to be able to work safely and with supervision to help with Bitou abatement in the South Golden Beach, Council managed land.


2. Formulate a presentation to make to council for funding to secure the services of Caspar Brace, a Trained Organic Regener who will be able to co-ordinate and train our volunteers and liaise with Local Dune Care Groups.


3.  Arrange a work shop with Scott Hetherington at Council Chambers


It is hoped we will be able to achieve the same level of success as Ellen White has been able to in the Dirawong Reserve where they halted aerial spraying in favor of hand harvesting the Bitou Bush.  Below is Caspar Braces plan presented to Scott Hetherington for his consideration and hopefully inclusion with his presentation to council.


A history of the events leading up to and since regarding our Bitou Blitzers group can be seen on our blog at





Following is Caspar Braces plan for a program to deal with “Bitou bush abatement”

And below that is the resolution passed by council 11th June, 09 which needs to be addressed by us so that we will be ready for the October meeting.


Bitou Threat: Moving towards an abatement plan.

After Byron Shire Council's decision to halt aerial spraying of Bitou threatened coast areas, the next step is to work out a manual work program for removal of the weed.

In this process we are fortunate enough to have the documented successful methodology employed by Ellen White, for the Dirawong Reserve at Evans Head.

For the last few years there has been no aerial spraying of Bitou and a manual approach has been used with great success. There are some important points to note in regards to this on the ground experience.

The Reserve suffered after extensive aerial spraying as it also killed natives, even in supposed exclusion zones, and then from the lack of follow up. This lack of follow up exacerbated the weed issue, allowing Bitou to regenerate.

The manual approach at Evans Head breaks down into controlled stages, as required by the DECC, the funding body :

An initial identification process, to record high priority plant species, populations and ecological communities.

This is then followed by the setting up of a monitoring process, to help determine the effectiveness of the program.

The program works in three stages:

First stage: removal of Bitou and other weed species from the immediate vicinity of the high priority plant species, populations and ecological communities.

Second stage: expansion of stage one to cover a larger area of the Bitou Bush infestation at the site. Bitou Bush removal should prioritise areas containing suitable habitat for the priority species, populations and ecological communities. This stage also involves follow-up control of Bitou Bush seedlings that germinate within all previously controlled areas.

Third stage: expansion of earlier stages from the site and surrounding areas to prevent re-invasion, and continual follow-up of previously controlled areas.

At the Dirawong Reserve Ellen developed the monitoring methodology, and established monitoring plots for the following outcomes:
Response of Bitou Bush (adult and seedlings) to the control program
Response of high priority plant species, populations, ecological communities
Response of other weed species
Response of native species – plants and animals
Recruitment: seedling density over time
In relation to canopy cover
In relation to original Bitou density
In relation to distance from frontal dune

In relation to this Shire we will need to target areas of high priority, and work outwards from these.

It is also very interesting to note that:

a) Although suspected there was no loss of frontal dune height when the Bitou was removed.

b) In the Dirawong Reserve they found native species and communities were present in apparently Bitou dominated areas.

The techniques employed by Ellen and her crew are very simple. Cutting down the Bitou and leaving it scattered as a mulch, and then following up when the seedlings germinate.

I have personally used a very similar technique on Lantana in this region for the last few years, with great success, and I can’t imagine a more pleasant place to work than at the coast.

It seems that the next step is to find funding to employ some qualified bush regenerators, and then we can start the process in this Shire. Once the program has been established and areas monitored we can reinvigorate the volunteer base, through training and support. We could also document the process as a record of best practice and as a future resource for other coastal communities facing this issue..

I do hope that we can regain the momentum we achieved earlier in the year

Caspar Brace



Here is the resolution for yesterday's urgency motion

09-465  Resolved that Council, in response to the need to safely and effectively manage the Bitou bush  infestation in the South Golden Beach/ Ocean Shores/ Nth Brunswick Heads areas under Council's care and control:

1.      Liaise with National Parks and Wildlife Services to consider a plan of maintenance in the designated area.

2.      Liaise with relevant Dune Care and Land Care groups to call for, and organise the annual compilation of a volunteer, Community Action Group team to manage the Bitou bush infestation with full ecological and environmental consideration in the South Golden Beach/Ocean Shores/Nth Brunswick Heads  areas on an annual basis.

3.      Receive a report regarding weed control in these areas.
4.      Investigate possible positive cultural, social and biodiversity outcomes supplementing the above mentioned Community Action Group.

5.      Subject to advice regarding the current cost of the spraying program and withdrawing from it, that Council not undertake aerial spraying over the next 12 months. 

6.      Conduct a workshop to investigate potential for voluntary involvement in eradicating bitou bush weeds.  (Richardson/Staples)


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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hi there,

Apologies to all for the length of time to write this:

Bitou Threat: Moving towards an abatement plan.

After Byron Shire Council's decision to halt aerial spraying of Bitou threatened coast areas, the next step is to work out a manual work program for removal of the weed.

In this process we are fortunate enough to have the documented successful methodology employed by Ellen White, for the Dirawong Reserve at Evans Head.

For the last few years there has been no aerial spraying of Bitou and a manual approach has been used with great success. There are some important points to note in regards to this on the ground experience.

The Reserve suffered after extensive aerial spraying as it also killed natives, even in supposed exclusion zones, and then from the lack of follow up. This lack of follow up exacerbated the weed issue, allowing Bitou to regenerate.

The manual approach at Evans Head breaks down into controlled stages, as required by the DECC, the funding body :

An initial identification process, to record high priority plant species, populations and ecological communities.

This is then followed by the setting up of a monitoring process, to help determine the effectiveness of the program.

The program works in three stages:

First stage: removal of Bitou and other weed species from the immediate vicinity of the high priority plant species, populations and ecological communities.

Second stage: expansion of stage one to cover a larger area of the Bitou Bush infestation at the site. Bitou Bush removal should prioritise areas containing suitable habitat for the priority species, populations and ecological communities. This stage also involves follow-up control of Bitou Bush seedlings that germinate within all previously controlled areas.

Third stage: expansion of earlier stages from the site and surrounding areas to prevent re-invasion, and continual follow-up of previously controlled areas.

At the Dirawong Reserve Ellen developed the monitoring methodology, and established monitoring plots for the following outcomes:
Response of Bitou Bush (adult and seedlings) to the control program
Response of high priority plant species, populations, ecological communities
Response of other weed species
Response of native species – plants and animals
Recruitment: seedling density over time
In relation to canopy cover
In relation to original Bitou density
In relation to distance from frontal dune

In relation to this Shire we will need to target areas of high priority, and work outwards from these.

It is also very interesting to note that:

a) Although suspected there was no loss of frontal dune height when the Bitou was removed.

b) In the Dirawong Reserve they found native species and communities were present in apparently Bitou dominated areas.

The techniques employed by Ellen and her crew are very simple. Cutting down the Bitou and leaving it scattered as a mulch, and then following up when the seedlings germinate.

I have personally used a very similar technique on Lantana in this region for the last few years, with great success, and I cant imagine a more pleasant place to work than at the coast.

It seems that the next step is to find funding to employ some qualified bush regenerators, and then we can start the process in this Shire. Once the program has been established and areas monitored we can reinvigorate the volunteer base, through training and support. We could also document the process as a record of best practice and as a future resource for other coastal communities facing this issue..

Have we been able to find out how much the Council has saved through not aerial spraying this year? As that money was already in some kind of budget perhaps the funds can be redirected?

I do hope that we can regain the momentum we achieved earlier in the year thanks to Rose.

Perhaps we should arrange a meet with Council?



Caspar A R Brace
Living Systems Designs

Tuesday, June 23, 2009



Hello all,

AERIAL SPRAYING IN THE BROKEN HEAD RESERVE BY D.E.C.C. (Department of Environmental and Climate Change) WILL BEGIN TODAY



It is a sad day today, perfect conditions for aerial spraying unfortunately.  I have had a number of calls from people who have been asked to leave the reserve and they have also said all roads in the spraying zone are closed etc.


A lot of people are not aware that we were successful in achieving a halt to aerial spraying in Council managed areas but DECC are a State government body who we haven’t been successful in stopping.  THEY WILL BE SPRAYING TODAY. 


The council managed areas WILL NOT BE SPRAYED and this area is from the Brunswick River north to South Golden Beach.  We will be hand harvesting this bitou with our list of 87 volunteers.  A prgramme is being organised with Council and Land Care groups.  This year we did our magic to save the millions of wild life and humans in this area, next year maybe we will be able to show DECC we can do this and they will not spray their areas which are extensive and cover up to 22Ha of parks and coastal regions..


Some points to help for those who live in the Broken Head area are:


  • If you live near the spray zone lay out lots of alfoil, ordinary kitchen alfoil to catch any over spray.  Gather it up carefully and put it in the freezer.  It can be sent for testing and documenting.  If you can prove your garden or your home has been sprayed we can engage a solicitor to fight our case.  You will know if you have been hit by an over spray in that your garden will after a few days go completely yellow.  You yourself will get very sore eyes, one of the first symptoms of exposure.


  • Close all your windows, garages etc.


  • Fill out the inner page of the booklet produced by “National Toxics Network Inc”. with any incidents or symptoms you may experience after the spraying has occurred.


  • Please call any of your friends who may live in this area.  Forward this email or advise them about the booklet produced by National Toxics Network.


Please check out our blog for up to the minute changes and reports.  Feel free to comment.  This is your forum to make a statement.





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Thursday, June 11, 2009



Hello all,

Well done my fellow bitou blitzers - WE HAVE HAD A WIN





There are a number of conditions but I do believe we will meet those easily.  I will email you the full “resolution” once council staff sends it to me.  Ray Darney, Director of Planning, Development and Environment Services called NWPS and notified them of the councils decision to withdraw from the programme of aerial spraying on Council managed land within minutes of the decision.


Attached is a programme successfully implemented by the Evans Head community when they stopped aerial spraying and turned to hand removal.  “Dirawong Reserve”   If we implement a programme similar to this I believe we will achieve mighty things for the well being of all who live in this shire. We now have 74 volunteers willing to go into the field to achieve this.  It is a long and arduous journey that we embark on but the reward is immense. 


We have not even tackled D.E.C.C. (Department of Environmental and Climate Change) yet but we have now achieved a small miracle having bought to the Public and our Politicians notice the hazards of using chemicals.  Hopefully, chemical free coastal regions in our Shire are just a first in our campaign to turn the Queen Mary around.


Please watch our blog to stay informed, I watch for all comments there as well.  It is an open forum for all to add their opinion and a perfect way of giving everyone up to the very minute information.  If you have anything you would like posted on it please send it to my office and we will put it up. 






Rose Wanchap


Red Rose Realty

P.O Box 466,

Byron Bay  NSW  2481

Ph: 02 6680 9505

Mob: 0427 016 451



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Here is the resolution for yesterday's urgency motion

09-465  Resolved that Council, in response to the need to safely and effectively manage the Bitou bush  infestation in the South Golden Beach/ Ocean Shores/ Nth Brunswick Heads areas under Council's care and control:

1.      Liaise with National Parks and Wildlife Services to consider a plan of maintenance in the designated area.

2.      Liaise with relevant Dune Care and Land Care groups to call for, and organise the annual compilation of a volunteer, Community Action Group team to manage the Bitou bush  infestation with full ecological and environmental consideration in the South Golden Beach/Ocean Shores/Nth Brunswick Heads  areas on an annual basis.

3.      Receive a report regarding weed control in these areas.
4.      Investigate possible positive cultural, social and biodiversity outcomes supplementing the above mentioned Community Action Group.

5.      Subject to advice regarding the current cost of the spraying program and withdrawing from it, that Council not undertake aerial spraying over the next 12 months. 

6.      Conduct a workshop to investigate potential for voluntary involvement in eradicating bitou bush weeds.  (Richardson/Staples)

Administration & Customer Services Team Leader
ph: (02) 6626 7127


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Here is the resolution for yesterday's urgency motion.

09-465  Resolved that Council, in response to the need to safely and effectively manage the Bitou bush  infestation in the South Golden Beach/ Ocean Shores/ Nth Brunswick Heads areas under Council's care and control:

1.      Liaise with National Parks and Wildlife Services to consider a plan of maintenance in the designated area.

2.      Liaise with relevant Dune Care and Land Care groups to call for, and organise the annual compilation of a volunteer, Community Action Group team to manage the Bitou bush  infestation with full ecological and environmental consideration in the South Golden Beach/Ocean Shores/Nth Brunswick Heads  areas on an annual basis.

3.      Receive a report regarding weed control in these areas.
4.      Investigate possible positive cultural, social and biodiversity outcomes supplementing the above mentioned Community Action Group.

5.      Subject to advice regarding the current cost of the spraying program and withdrawing from it, that Council not undertake aerial spraying over the next 12 months. 

6.      Conduct a workshop to investigate potential for voluntary involvement in eradicating bitou bush weeds.  (Richardson/Staples)

Administration & Customer Services Team Leader
ph: (02) 6626 7127

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Request to council for a Moratorium on Aerial Spraying

Wednesday June 10th, 2009
Attn Jan Barham and all Byron Shire Councilors

Asking for moratorium
We as concerned Byron Shire residents are asking for a moratorium on the planned spraying of coastal areas in the Byron Shire with glyphosate
based herbicides that are scheduled to begin Thursday June 11th 2009.



Recent independent research regarding glyphosate
The spraying for 2009 was approved by Council in December 2008. Since then, several important studies have been published:

- In April 2009, an independent study in Argentina by embryology professor Andres Carrasco, shows that exposure to glyphosate could cause brain, intestinal and heart defects in fetuses. In a district with a population of 5,000, about 300 cases of cancer associated with fumigations of pesticides have turned up.[i]  Implications so serious that in May 2009, a national ban on glyphosates is being considered.[ii]

- In January 2009, an independent French study was published that shows glyphosate based herbicides cause damage in human cells within a few hours. The researchers studied toxicity mechanisms of four different glyphosate formulations on human cells. They also noted membrane and DNA damage, and found that the formulations inhibit cell respiration. This even at minimal doses [up to 100,000 times or more], at dilution levels far below agricultural recommendations.[iii]


This decision to spray needs to be reviewed to get a more current assessment of the health implications of glyphosate sprayings. Also, a more independent assessment needs to be done, as the Councils website FAQ’s regarding health concerns only mentions the manufacturer’s studies, which are more likely to be biased.



Glyphosate-containing products are NOT biodegradable

Contrary to what is stated on the Byron Shire Council website, everal courts have found that glyphosate-containing products are NOT biodegradable. To present it as such, and claim it leaves the soil clean, has been found to be misleading the public about the environmental impacts of glyphosate.

- The New York State Attorney General, after 5 years of complaints, filed a lawsuit against Monsanto arguing that the company’s advertising inaccurately portrayed their glyphosate-containing products as safe and as not causing any harmful effects to people or the environment. In 1997, as part of an out-of-court settlement, Monsanto agreed to discontinue use of terms such as “biodegradable” and “environmentally friendly” in all advertising of glyphosate-containing products.[iv]


- In 2007, Monsanto was fined in a French court for misleading the public about the environmental impact of  Roundup (RR). They were found guilty of false advertising for presenting Roundup as biodegradable and claiming that it left the soil clean after use. Environmental and consumer rights campaigners brought the case in 2001.[v]


In the European Union glyphosate is classed as “dangerous for the environment” and “toxic for aquatic organisms”.[vi]  Some countries have even imposed a ban on the spraying of glyphosates, other countries are considering a ban.


- As of 15 September 2003, following the release of data which found that glyphosate has been contaminating the drinking water resources of the country Denmark imposed a ban on the spraying of glyphosates.[vii]


- Glyphosate have been found in surface water in the Netherlands, in wells sited under electrical substations that had been treated with glyphosate, in US wells and in forest streams in Oregon and Washington just to mention a few.[viii]

Beyond studies and definitions
We need to listen to our Byron Shire residents who are experiencing adverse health reactions to glyphosate. There are short-term and long-term effects to these sprayings. Further up the coast, around Kingscliff and Pottsville, they are now, after several years of coastal sprayings, starting to see many chronic health related problems among their residents, that very likely are connected to the glyphosate sprayings there.

NSW pesticides act of 1999 states that all pesticide users in NSW are required to ensure that they “not risk injury to persons, property and non-target plants and animals through the use of a pesticide”.[ix]


These toxic sprayings in Byron Shire need to stop

Are you willing to jeopardize our residents & tourist’s health by going ahead and spraying in order to try to control a certain weed?



As it is everybody’s right to know about the toxic sprayings, we have launched a campaign on the ground & online:
• on Saturday May 23 a march and a community debate at the Byron Bay community centre was arranged

• handing out flyers warning residents & tourists of Byron Bay of the toxic sprayings

• informing online via twitter, blogs & videos about the toxic sprayings
• going door-to-door to inform residents and give Pesticide Spray Drift Kits with Incident Reporting forms by the National Toxics Network
[x], to fill out, recording symptoms they experience from the sprayings, and for up to 6 months after 

• collecting information/testimonials from Byron Shire residents who have already had symptoms from previous sprayings
• collecting information nationally from residents and doctors where g
lyphosate sprayings have caused health problems

• intend to inform the International Court of Injustice in The Hague of these sprayings, and seek other global Human Rights avenues to stop the poisoning of ourselves and the environment



We ask for a moratorium, to therby give the Byron Shire Council the opportunity to inform themselves of the most recent independent research. This extra time would also give all the residents of the Byron Shire time to inform themselves, and express their will.

This would give time to plan and implement an alternative way of weed control. There are succesful non-chemical management programs of Bitou Bush such as the one by Ellen White in the NSW Dirriwong Reserve.


This is an opportunity for Byron Shire to set an example for the rest of Australia, by being the first Shire to stop the use of glyphosate based products. Lets take this opportunity while we can.


From Concerned Residents of the Byron Shire
Sincerely,  Asa Mark


Asa Mark is in the process of making a documentary on the subject of pesticides and thus has done extensive research on this subject, some of which is part of this letter, and more that i would be very happy to further share with the Council.






Footnotes and links:

[i]Herbicide Used in Argentina Could Cause Birth Defects” Latin American Herald Tribune, May 2009.

[ii] “Argentina considers glyphosate ban”, Financial Times May29, 2009.

[iii]Glyphosate Formulations Induce Apoptosis and Necrosis in Human Umbilical, Embryonic, and Placental Cells” by Nora Benachour and Gilles-Eric Seralini, University of Caen.

[iv] “Monsanto Agrees to Change Ads and EPA Fines Northrup King”, PANUPS, January 10, 1997; “Monsanto Strategies”, The Guardian (UK), September 17, 1997.

[v]Monsanto fined in France for 'false' herbicide ads”, Agence France-Presse, 2007.

[vi]Monsanto fined in France for 'false' herbicide ads”, Agence France-Presse, 2007.

[vii]Denmark Bans Glyphosates, The Active Ingredient In Roundup”, Anders Legarth Schmidt, Politiken.

[ix] NSW Treat Abatement Plan, Bitou TAP, by the Department of Environment and Conservation, Parks and Wildlife Division, July 2006.

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A warning to all those in the area to close all windows, do not go on to
the beaches in this area, spraying is about to begin.
We may still get a reprieve, councilors are meeting to discuss a

Rain and winds are the only thing that will keep this spraying from
going ahead tomorrow.

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signature database 4142 (20090609) __________

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<<light house sign 008.jpg>>

Friday, June 5, 2009

100 volunteers to bitou blitz


Hello fellow bitou blitzers,


I need a hundred volunteers to ground clear the bitou bush to help secure a halt to aerial spraying of chemicals in our coastal regions


I think we have a small break throughWe now have a second councilor, Cr.Simon Richardson who has sent through a small light of hope.  Below is an extract from his letter for your interest.


Hi Rose. Well done for your efforts thus far. I am looking to produce a motion to the effect of requiring staff to call for volunteers to assist in the hand weeding of coastal areas- if 100 volunteers can be committed, no aerial spraying will occur. This then, would put the onus on the community to match their convictions with actions. It would also allow for volunteers to be monitored and trained appropriately to avoid the regrettable outcomes of the recent mass weeding- much damage was done. What do you think? Regards, Simon


So after speaking with Cr. Richard Staples he has advised that Simon and he are liaising with regard to putting up an urgent motion to council for next Thursday but it really needs to be done very quickly. 


I need to be able to send through our list by Tuesday – so over to you my eco warriors – 100 names of volunteers by Tuesday


Of course once spraying has been done, no workers from our group will be interested in endangering their own health by exposing themselves.


If you would like to go on the “list of one hundred” send your name, phone number and email address, note hours you are able to commit to, days that suit, etc.

Email me on

If you don’t get a reply in a few days please follow up with an email to me on  To follow our progress see our blog on

Spam is swallowing up so much these days,


First name         Last name         Email address               Ph. number                   Details


Rose Wanchap

Ph: 02 6680 9505

Mob: 0427 016 451



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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Next meeting for Chemical Free Shire



Subject: Next meeting for Chemical Free Shire


Re: Residents for a CHEMICAL FREE SHIRE

Below are points discussed at the meeting held on the 23rd May 09




 ((Bring a plate of food to share)




The next steps for our campaign to halt the Aerial spraying of herbicide in our coastal regions will be discussed.

A committee will be elected and a name chosen for our group.

Everyone is welcome.  I will invite Lisa Wellman and Scott Hetherington as well as our councilors to attend. 


We have been extremely fortunate to have been offered the services of a Consultant, Rod Spence with Spence Consulting to assist with our campaign.  His offer is here noted for your interest.

I will invite him to speak with our group on Monday night.

Dear Rose,

I am a Gold Coast based public relations consultant and a client, Dr Roger Welch, has volunteered my services to assist the "Bitou Blitzers." He has given me a preliminary briefing on the

issue. I can offer assistance in strategic planning, preparation of media releases, other written materials and concepts for direct action if necessary. I have been a journalist and public relations consultant for 30 years and in this time have conducted a number of successful campaigns against local authorities and state governments. One of the most recent was a campaign to prevent the establishment of sea cage aquaculture in the Moreton Bay Marine Park. In this case I worked with the Queensland Conservation Council, the Wildlife Preservation Society and 50 allied organisations.

Please come back to me if you are in need of assistance - my work would be funded by Dr Welch.

Kind regards,

Rod Spence

Managing Director

Spence Consulting

Public Relations & Marketing


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Monday, May 25, 2009

Echo 18 May 2009

Click here to read:

Echo 26 May 2009

Click here to read article: